Currumbin Waters Postcode (QLD)

Currumbin Waters's postcode is 4223. Be sure to check out the map of Currumbin Waters, or look up other postcodes in Queensland or other Australian states.


Suburb: Currumbin Waters

State: Queensland

Post code: 4223

Postcodes of nearby suburbs: Banora Point | Bilambil | Bilambil Heights | Bungalora | Carool | Cobaki | Cobaki Lakes | Duroby | Glengarrie | Tweed Heads | Tweed Heads West | Bilinga | Coolangatta | Elanora | Palm Beach | Tallebudgera | Tallebudgera Valley | Tugun | Tugun Heights | West Burleigh |

Or how about Bellambi, NSW?

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