Upper Pappinbarra Postcode (NSW)

Upper Pappinbarra's postcode is 2446. Be sure to check out the map of Upper Pappinbarra, or look up other postcodes in New South Wales or other Australian states.


Suburb: Upper Pappinbarra

State: New South Wales

Post code: 2446

Postcodes of nearby suburbs: Batar Creek | Black Creek | Blackmans Point | Fernbank Creek | Flynns Beach | Kendall | Kerewong | Kew | Lighthouse Beach | Limeburners Creek | Logans Crossing | Lorne | North Shore | Port Macquarie | Riverside | Rossglen | Swans Crossing | The Hatch | Thrumster | Upsalls Creek |

Or how about Ceduna, SA?

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