Royal North Shore Hospital Postcode (NSW)

Royal North Shore Hospital's postcode is 2065. Be sure to check out the map of Royal North Shore Hospital, or look up other postcodes in New South Wales or other Australian states.


Suburb: Royal North Shore Hospital

State: New South Wales

Post code: 2065

Postcodes of nearby suburbs: Artarmon | Cammeray | Cremorne | Cremorne Junction | Cremorne Point | Hmas Platypus | Hmas Waterhen | Kirribilli | Kurraba Point | Lane Cove | Lane Cove North | Lavender Bay | Mcmahons Point | Milsons Point | Neutral Bay | Neutral Bay Junction | North Sydney | North Sydney Shoppingworld | Northbridge | Waverton |

Or how about Woorarra West, VIC?

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