Australian Postcode Distance Database
Do you want to help your customers easily find your nearest store or location? With our postcode distance database, it's as simple as typing their postcode into your website.
Take a look at how the postcode distance table is structured:
Postcode 1 |
Postcode 2 |
Distance (metres) |
2000 |
2006 |
6729 |
2000 |
2007 |
6785 |
2000 |
2008 |
7668 |
2000 |
2009 |
6022 |
2000 |
2010 |
8634 |
... |
2000 |
3000 |
710464 |
Our database is used by many well known Australian companies, including:
What's Included?
- The precise straight-line distance (in metres) between the centre of each postcode and the center of every other postcode - some 7 million records
- The geographic longitude and latitude of 16,249 Australian suburbs.
- A truncated version including all distances of less than 100km - to make your queries lightning fast.
- MySQL and CSV formats.
- Example SQL query code to get you up and running fast.
- Email delivery for Instant Access
Common Uses
- Nearest Store Locator. Allow your customers to simply enter their postcode and retrieve a list of your nearest stores.
- Cost Estimator. Let customers enter their postcode and receive an estimate of your freight or callout fee.
- Mapping. Having geographic coordinates of all Australian suburbs will make help speed up your geo-enabled applications by eliminating the need to use slow, 3rd party web services.
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