Suburbs & postcodes in Victoria starting with the letter 'G': Gaffneys Creek | Gainsborough | Gannawarra | Gapsted | Garden City | Gardenvale | Garfield | Garfield North | Garibaldi | Garvoc | Gateway Island | Gatum | Gazette | Geelong | Geelong North | Geelong West | Gelantipy | Gellibrand | Gellibrand Lower | Gelliondale | Gembrook | Genoa | Gentle Annie | Georges Creek | Gerahmin | Gerang Gerung | Gerangamete | Gerangamete | Germania | Germania | Germantown | Gerrigerrup | Gherang | Gheringhap | Ghin Ghin | Giffard | Giffard West | Gil Gil | Gilberton | Gilderoy | Gillieston | Gillum | Gipsy Point | Girgarre | Girgarre East | Gisborne | Gisborne South | Gladfield | Gladstone Park | Gladysdale | Glen Alvie | Glen Creek | Glen Falloch | Glen Forbes | Glen Huntly | Glen Iris | Glen Park | Glen Valley | Glen Waverley | Glen Wills | Glenaire | Glenaladale | Glenalbyn | Glenaroua | Glenbrae | Glenburn | Glendaruel | Glendonald | Glendonnell | Glenfalloch | Glenferrie South | Glenfyne | Glengala | Glengarry | Glengarry North | Glengarry West | Glengower | Glenhope | Glenhope East | Glenhope East | Glenisla | Glenlee | Glenlofty | Glenlogie | Glenloth | Glenloth East | Glenluce | Glenlyon | Glenmaggie | Glenmore | Glenorchy | Glenormiston North | Glenormiston South | Glenpatrick | Glenrowan | Glenrowan West | Glenroy | Glenthompson | Glomar Beach | Gnarwarre | Gnotuk | Gobarup | Gobur | Golden Beach | Golden Gully | Golden Point | Golden Point | Golden Point | Golden Square | Goldie | Goldsborough | Gong Gong | Gonn Crossing | Goomalibee | Goon Nure | Goongerah | Gooram | Gooramadda | Goorambat | Goornong | Gooroc | Gooroc | Gorae | Gorae West | Gordon | Gormandale | Goroke | Goschen | Goughs Bay | Goulburn Weir | Gowanbrae | Gowanford | Gowangardie | Gowar East | Gowar East | Gower | Grahamvale | Grampians | Grand Ridge | Granite Flat | Granite Rock | Grantville | Granya | Grass Flat | Grassdale | Grassmere | Grays Bridge | Graytown | Gre Gre | Gre Gre | Gre Gre North | Gre Gre North | Gre Gre South | Gre Gre South | Great Southern | Great Western | Great Western | Gredgwin | Green Gully | Greendale | Greenhill | Greens Creek | Greens Creek | Greensborough | Greenvale | Greenwald | Grenville | Greta | Greta South | Greta West | Grey River | Greythorn | Gringegalgona | Gritjurk | Grovedale | Grovedale East | Gruyere | Guildford | Gunbower | Gundowring | Gunyah | Guys Forest | Guys Hill | Gymbowen |