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South Australia Post Codes and Suburbs

Suburbs & postcodes in South Australia starting with the letter 'T': Tailem Bend | Tailem Bend | Taldra | Talia | Tantanoola | Tanunda | Taperoo | Taplan | Taplan | Taratap | Tarcoola | Tarcowie | Tarlee | Tarnma | Tarpeena | Tatachilla | Taunton | Taylorville | Tea Tree Gully | Teal Flat | Telowie | Templers | Tennyson | Tepko | Teringie | Terowie | The Gap | The Levels | The Pines | The Range | Thebarton | Thevenard | Thomas Plain | Thompson Beach | Thorngate | Thornlea | Thrington | Tiatukia | Tickera | Tiddy Widdy Beach | Tilley Swamp | Tintinara | Tolderol | Tooligie | Tooperang | Toora | Toorak Gardens | Tootenilla | Torrens Park | Torrens Vale | Torrensville | Torrensville Plaza | Tothill Belt | Tothill Creek | Totness | Towitta | Tranmere | Tranmere North | Trihi | Trinity Gardens | Trott Park | Truro | Tulka | Tulka North | Tumby Bay | Tungkillo | Tunkalilla | Tusmore | Two Wells | Tyringa |

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